Sunday, 10 June 2007

News from the Trough

If ever one needed a clear demonstration of why we need an Online Register of MPs and Peer's Expenses, this report from today's Mail on Sunday should be the complete answer.

Of particular significance is this paragraph:

"The Commons authorities refused to say how much money is paid out to MPs for European trips. A spokesman said: "The House authorities are not prepared to comment on how many Members are in receipt of this allowance nor whether there have been refusals of claims."

It seems that our political elite is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the world of open and transparent government. What possible reason can they have, however ludicrous, for preventing the taxpayer from knowing the details of and analysing the use or misuse of expenses paid out for MP's junketing?

The reason, in case you had somehow not guessed it, is that they know the truth is shocking and that publishing the details will reveal a serious and disgraceful scandal in the way some MPs are simply having a good time at our expense.

HERE you can sign the ePetition to get our lords and masters to put their expenses online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As usual, the Freedom of Information Act applies to the hoi polloi. Not, of course, MPs

A challenge to anyone. Name me a job where you can claim all the expenses that an MP is entitled to - I haven't got enough space to list them.
Why are we paying these expenses at all? Nobody stops to think. Pay MP's their basic salary, plus travel expenses, supported by receipts. They fought for the job, so they must want it

They will tell you that they
are trustworthy, and do not need
to produce receipts. History says

Britain has gone on about the
corruption in Africa. Now there are reports of mass corruption in
the EC. Britain is careful to hide
it's corruption. I am sorry, but a body that sets its own pay levels and expenses.....
The political scandal in this country is just as bad - and
growing. An MP claims allowances for his son as a researcher/office
worker. Yet he was at Uni at the time! His pennance - say sorry.
If I fiddled my expenses, I would be sacked. Will this MP be sacked or resign? You bet he won't.

Noses in the trough. And they
wonder why people don't vote !